Jan.1, 2001, Carrabelle, FL
Hit the Gulf of Mexico as the clock struck twelve fireworks lit up the sky as I crossed a little bridge
in Panacea. Pulled off the road, across some grass down to the water's edge. It's quiet here.
Cracked a beer and sat under the stars.
April 18th, 2001, Brunswick, GA

I told the Chevy if it got me to Florida and out of the cold northern winter I'd let it retire. That was four months ago.
I've gotten a lot done on the movie livin' on bread, peanutbutter and warm Miller Highlife, even taught myself how to
windsurf. I picked up an old used one for pretty cheap when I was livin' at a state park on St.George's Island in the Gulf
so I could do errands by
windsurfin' to the mainland and back to get food and stuff. Moved north to the coast of Georgia when it started getting too
hot in FL. The tranny finally went today. It's not the end of the world. I just moved out of it this month when Hawk offerd
me the little one-room-palace (it is to me) at the trailer park for only $10 bucks more a month. I've been mostly roller-bladin'
everywhere. The tranny or the movie that's what I need to decide.
-Next day-
Portland, ME
Went to rent a little car for the day to check out some junk yards in the area down in Georgia to see if I could yank a good
tranny. I loved that truck and I was going to see if I could do both the movie and the truck. When I pulled out of Enterprise
Car Rentals with a huge brand new cargo van with only 45 miles on it, out of state clearance, unlimited mileage, a free full tank
of gas and my 24hrs. not starting to the next morning, I changed my plan. I went back to the trailer park stripped the Blazer
down to the bone, the molding, roll bar, seats, wrapp around bench/storage bins, etc. and threw it all plus the windsurfer, my
desktop computer, video equipment, and clothes in the van and drove to Maine. The only thing left in Blazer was a stearing
wheel and a cinder block for a seat.
The girl who rented me the van was a cutie and I felt sort of a little bad about taking advantage of her generosity eventhough
technically I hadn't done anything wrong, so I went down to the fish pier where a buddy of mine works and had him pack me up
some lobsters for her. Lobsters will stay alive for over 24hrs if you keep them good and cold. Headin' back to GA.
-Next Morning-
I told Eli (I brought him back with me, too. He said he wanted to take a ride) to wait around the corner from the car
rental place while I returned the van, now with 2,600 miles on it. She wasn't workin' and the young college kid who
who handle the transaction didn't know what to make of the situaution. He just said, "Everything checks out, but if you
don't mind me askin', where'd
you go?" I just smiled and said, "Maine," handed him a square white box with a red bow on it, and walked out of there free and
It was warm and sunny. Now all Eli and I had to do was get back to Portland. We'd only been hitching about an hour or so when two very pretty young girls stopped in a brand new van just like the one we'd just returned
and offered us a ride. They were from Seattle, WA and were road trippin it across the U.S. on their way to a Dave Mathews concert
in Virginia Beach. We liked Dave Mathews. 4/20/01
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