Oct.16th, 2007, Astoria, Oregon
Thanks to the nice lady, Tina, I met and her boys, Job and I are out of the rain. She'd come into the farm store to get flowers for her son's engagement party.
Congratulions to Jared and Emily. I was working out in the nursery and as I was filling up her container of fresh cut flowers with the hose we got to talkin.
In the following week or so, Tina and I bumped into each other three times around town, so she took it as a sign. From our initial conversation, she'd learned
that Job and I had moved to Astoria and didn't know anyone in Oregon and I think I may have let it slip, or she figured it out, that we were living out of tent
camped in the woods a few miles down the road from the farm store
and I was riding my bike to work (Job jogged along with me or rode in the bike trailer:). The next thing I knew I had a 28 foot
camper. It's in real rough shape. Out of appreciation for what they did for me, I won't go into how rough. Over the years, I've met all kinds of people.
Some were rich and some where poor, but the characterisitic that I respect the most out of them all is dignity. Dignity is what makes a person hold
themselves to a standard higher than what the world requires. It comes from within regardless of outer circumstances. You don't need to be a person with
strong values to make a lot of money in this world, but you do to be a person of dignity in life. It doesn't matter where you're from, who you know, or what you have.
The people who
owned this camper and left it on their property didn't have any dignity, maybe that's why
no one wanted it, but the person who owns it, now, does. With a little elbow grease, it will be apparent.
I'm not sayin I'm gonna live in it or anything, but I'll clean it up, atleast, and use it once in a while when I want to get out of the elements or offer
someone a place to stay.

All cleaned up. (it doesn't hurt that it's not so foggy out for a better picture)